BLAC Committee – Position Descriptions


Belconnen Little Athletics Centre

Committee Nomination Form

Nomination and Consent by Nominee

I wish to nominate for the position of:

President*5. Registrar*9.   Head Coach
Vice President6. Results Manager*10. Canteen Manager
Secretary*7. Results Coordinator11. Officer of Officials
Treasurer*/Public Officer8. Equipment Officer 

*Under the Belconnen Little Athletics Centre (BLAC) Constitution these positions are identified as essential to the running of the organisation. The formal BLAC Committee may contain up to a maximum of 11 adult members.

Please refer to Attachment A for an overview of each Committee role.

Please write below the Committee position/s you would like to nominate for in order of preference (you can choose just one or more if you wish).  You can rescind your nomination at any time:

  1. _______________________________________
  • _______________________________________
  • _______________________________________
  • _______________________________________

(In the event your higher preference nominated role/s goes to another – if there are multiple nominees for a role a vote will be held and the nominee with the highest number will be elected – your nomination for lower preference roles will come into play).


I, ____________________ wish to nominate myself for the BLAC Committee position/s listed above and acknowledge that if appointed, I will hold that position from the day after the Annual General Meeting (AGM) where I am appointed until the position is declared vacant at the next BLAC AGM or at an earlier point in time consistent with section 13 (Vacation of Office) of the BLAC Constitution.


Signed                                                                                       Date                                                 

Please forward this nomination to both the President and Secretary via email  and

The nomination should be received (ideally) before the date of the Annual General Meeting at which time all committee positions are vacated and a new committee will be elected. For 2022/2023 season the meeting date is 6 June 2022.


Nominations for positions on the Centre Committee are open to members of the centre as detailed in section 5 of the BLAC Constitution.

All positions on the BLAC Committee are declared vacant each year at the Annual General Meeting and a new Committee will be elected and they will take office the day after the AGM.

Duties of Committee Members

In brief, Committee Members are bound by common law. 

Committee Members are required to act diligently, competently, honestly and in good faith in what they consider to be in the best interests of the centre.  Committee Members are expected to attend meetings of the centre and where possible either hold or acquire the skills and knowledge they need so they can effectively guide and monitor the management of the centre and maintain its financial viability to deliver athletics programs to the local community. 

Committee Members need to consider independently matters that come to the Committee, make informed decisions, avoid conflicts of interest, and not make improper use of information or their position.  Committee Members are required to prevent the centre from incurring a debt if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the centre is insolvent at the time the debt is incurred or would become insolvent by incurring the debt and they must exercise their powers for a proper purpose.

Nominees should note that:

1     They are expected to provide a firm undertaking to members that they can and will attend a majority of Committee and General Meetings.

  • Committee Members represent all centre members and are required to act in the best interests of the centre.  Committee members are not permitted to participate in decisions about matters that would give rise to a conflict of interest.
  • Matters discussed by the Committee may be confidential and information provided to Committee Members should not be forwarded or generally divulged to other parties.
  • The committee of the Centre is responsible for managing the affairs of the Centre.  Committee members are responsible for the conduct of the Centre and are accountable for their actions to the members.

Attachment A:  Overview of Committee Roles

The following overviews represent the responsibilities and current distribution of functions and tasks undertaken by existing committee members.  Some of these tasks can be shared or swapped or simply transferred between committee members as appropriate or convenient from time to time.

  1. President

Duties include, but are not limited to…

To facilitate the centre’s operation by ensuring the centre is adequately resourced and financial.

Coordinate the overall operation of the Centre and ensure that all roles are performed in a manner suitable to enable the smooth running of Centre meets, facilitate changes as required in accordance with the constitution.

Act as chairperson at the monthly committee and executive meetings and other meetings organized by the centre. Prioritise and delegate tasks, keeping a task list updated with all current tasks/projects, who is responsible, the estimated cost and the expected completion date. Follow up projects and tasks focusing on meeting the required completion date and budget constraints. Ensure that all members of the executive keep him/her informed of all centre matters under their control. Communicate with the members, general community, sponsors, athletic bodies, associated centres, facilities and other relevant bodies. Review the centre’s financial position and give guidance on revenue and expenditure constraints. Provide support to all Committee members to assist those members in achieving the centre’s goals and objectives. Conduct public address announcements during competition evenings in regards to the program, safety, COVID-19protocols, club events and parent assistance etc. Represent whenever possible the centre at all functions, meetings and other occasions requiring the presence of a representative of the Centre either personally or by delegation to a member of The Executive or any other person deemed appropriate by the President. Additionally, Act as Master of Ceremonies at centre Presentations. Deal with complaints and issues arising from athletes, parents, committees or any other party. Decide on competition cancellation due to weather issues in conjunction with the Executive committee.

Ensure that all members of the Executive keep themselves informed of all Centre matters under their control or relevant to their area of responsibility.

ii) Perform such duties as may be required from time to time by the Centre.

iii) Represent the Centre at all functions, meetings and other occasions requiring the presence of a representative of the Centre either personally or by delegation to a member of the Executive or any other person deemed appropriate by the President.

iv) Endorse correspondence, cheques, financial reports and other documentation as appropriate.

v) In conjunction with the Secretary and Treasurer, ensure observance of the Constitution and Regulations and use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the Centre observes all legal responsibilities relevant to the Centre, including all documentation required in the ACT. vi) Submit a written report to the Secretary for inclusion in the Annual Report of the Centre.

vii) Develop, strengthen and maintain relationships with stakeholders including Association affiliation, community, sponsors, and members.

  1. Vice President

The role of the Vice President (VP) is to work closely with and support the centre, President.

The VP will undertake the duties and responsibilities of the President if the President becomes unavailable for any reason.  The VP should also provide the President with assistance to develop and implement strategic planning, as well as provide sound judgment to decisions affecting the membership.

The VP should be able to communicate effectively.

The VP is required to assist with all duties associated with the weekly centre meet such as setups, pack downs and on-field/track volunteer positions as required.

The VP may be required to chair a committee or executive meetings if required.

The VP is occasionally required to attend the broader association meetings (not more than 2 a season)

The VP should be aware of the centre’s constitution, rules and regulations as well as that of the broader athletics community.

The VP should be able to assist with training and helping volunteers and provide guidance and encouragement to all participants.

The VP will assist the President to ensure the centre undertakes its key governance responsibilities including ensuring the centre:

• Defines and documents its centre culture and behaviours these are continually communicated to members, players, coaches, supporters and volunteers

• Has clearly defined goals and objectives and documented strategies and implementation plans on how they will be achieved

• Advocates for strong financial controls to protect the cash and assets of the centres as well as the volunteers handling the cash.

  1. Secretary

Fundamental duties:

Manage the general administrative operations of the Centre including incoming and outgoing correspondence, including from ACTLA, and member communications. Keeping an accurate record of decisions and matters discussed through the compilation of meeting minutes. Completion of ACTLA association affiliation forms.  Updating the Committee names and roles following the AGM with Access Canberra. Updating the COVID-19 response plan.

Arranging for the waiving of room hire fees each year with the Canberra Southern Cross Club for Committee meetings.  Booking room/venues for committee meetings and the AGM.  Organising the collation of reports from other Committee members for tabling at the AGM.  Provide assistance to the Registrar during the registration process and assist with the orientation of new families to BLAC.  Oversee internet-related matters including domain registration and web hosting etc.

Canvassing trophy and medal options for consideration by the Committee for the end-of-season awards presentation.  Seeking quotes for trophies and medallions based on the end-of-season awards recipient list including perpetual trophy engraving.  Assist the Results Manager with the determination of age award recipients for the season.

Currently done by the Secretary but has been undertaken by others in the past:

  • Ensuring the Centre’s website is up to date and posting information as required.
  • Ordering PB ribbons from the supplier.
  • Running PB count reports in ResultsHQ each week to identify athletes’ PB achievements. 
  • Writing out athlete PB ribbons each week for awarding and keeping a spreadsheet of issues of ribbons for the season.
  1. Treasurer

The primary role of the Treasurer is to manage the financial affairs of the Centre.  Duties include, but not limited to:

  1. Establish/maintain an account(s) with a suitable Bank or Financial Institution.
  2. Arrange for one other member of the Executive (either President or Secretary) to act as signatories.
  3. Keep a detailed ledger of all money received (including Membership fees, merchandise and canteen sales) and all purchases & payments transacted for the Centre.
  4. Present to the Committee, from time to time, summaries of receipts and expenses, as well as the bank balance, for ratification by the Committee.
  5. Present to the Committee, as required, accounts received by the Centre since the previous meeting to be approved for payment.
  6. Pay on the invoice only, all accounts approved for payment, such payments to be made by bank transfer or cheque only.
  7. Collect all cash amounts owing or paid to the Centre and arrange for banking within 3 business days of receipt and ensure a record is made of the amounts/collected & the source and purpose.
  8. Prepare and maintain financial accounts, and at the completion of the Centre’s financial year, arrange for the accounts to be reviewed by an independent person competent in financial reporting (Auditor), such review to be provided in writing to the Committee in good time prior to distribution to Members of the Centre and inclusion in the Annual Report.
  9. Manage the Club Credit/Debit Card and all POS/EFT transactions.
  10. Present to the Annual General Meeting Financial Statements for the Centre’s financial year.
  11. Prepare a report to the Annual General Meeting of the Centre.
  12. In conjunction with the President and Secretary, ensure observance of the Constitution and Regulations and use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the Centre observes all legal responsibilities relevant to the Centre, including all documentation required by ACT Government/ORS/Association
  13. Investigate and review all insurance policies required for the Centre and equipment.
  14. Book field and pavilion for weekly meets and for training sessions – payments made to ACT Government.
  15. Hold a current accreditation card for Working with Vulnerable People.
Qualifications and ExperiencePrevious experience in a treasury or leadership role in a not-for-profit, volunteer-based organisation is preferable. Previous experience with financial control and budgeting experience with fundraising
Knowledge and SkillsFinancial background and awareness of accounting procedures.Good communication skills, including written and oral. Honesty and trustworthiness.Ability to keep accurate records. Strong attention to detail. Ability to allocate regular time periods (e.g. weekly or monthly) to maintain the books. Well-developed decision-making skills.Experience with planning and operations.
  1. Registrar

Core duties:

  • Stock-take remaining uniforms from the previous season (needs to be completed by the end of June)
  • Identify and order uniforms for the new season (uniforms to be ordered from Game clothing.  6 week lead time is required. Therefore uniforms to be ordered no later than the end of July)
  • Draft Belconnen Little Athletics flyer for school distribution (needed by late July)
  • Set up Results HQ prior to the opening of registrations (usually early to mid-August). This includes entering prices, entering volunteer roles (duty roster), and entering a welcome message that contains details of when the season starts and where to pick up registration kits.
  • Advise Little Athletics ACT administration assistant (currently Bianca) of age patches on hand.
  • Develop calendar (dates of meets, program offered, inter-club meets)
  • Develop parent assistance roster (this is a backup for the duty roster included in the registration system).
  • Develop come-and-try forms
  • Create registration packs for all athletes (where possible packs will need to be ready prior to the registration pack pick-up date). 
  • Answer queries about registration and Little Athletics.
  1. Results Manager

Core duties:

  • Set up weekly meet details in Results HQ and print recording forms that go into the age folders for each week.
  • Set up and operate straight track timing gates each meet.
  • Upload electronically timed results to ResultsHQ
  • Ensure timing equipment (straight and circular) and laptops have the most current software/firmware.
  • Data entry of field event results into ResultsHQ.
  • Identify and ensure that Centre Records recorded are verified and that centre records are accurate and up to date in ResultsHQ.  This includes preparing an overall centre records PDF for an annual update on the Centre’s website.
  • Monitoring ResultsHQ following meets for centre records and make up the certificates for printing at Officeworks.
  • Provide Centre Record certificates to the President for signing for presentation to the recipient ASAP.
  • Lead on end-of-season awards calculations, liaising closely with the Secretary to ensure adequate trophies and medals are ordered.
  1. Results Coordinator
  • Set up and operate circular track timing each meet.
  • Upload circular track timed results to ResultsHQ
  • Assist the Results Manager with manual data entry of field events.
  • Work with Age Marshals and starters to ensure smooth and efficient management of circular track events.
  1. Equipment Officer

The Equipment Officer is responsible for the purchasing, maintenance and management of the club’s athletics equipment. They coordinate the setup and pack up of the athletics equipment on competition days.

Specific activities include:

  • Maintaining stock levels of the athletics equipment required for competition.
  • Maintenance (or organisation of maintenance) of the athletics equipment to keep it in good working order and safe.
  • Ordering of new equipment as approved by the committee.
  • Leading setup and pack-up on competition days with support from volunteers.
  • Cleaning, tidying and orderly storage of the equipment in the shed and container.
  • Opening and closing of equipment shed and container on competition days.
  • Training of others in equipment function and operation.
  1. Head Coach
  • Develop and schedule fun and enjoyable training sessions that cater to all age groups to support skills development and promote fitness and safety in athletics events undertaken.
  • Lead training sessions in accordance with a plan with the support of other accredited coaches
  • Guide parents and athletes on correct technique and safety of event disciplines during training sessions and meets.
  1. Canteen Manager
  • The Canteen Manager is issued one of the two Centre bank account EFTPOS cards for purchasing the canteen.
  • Buy products and food for the canteen each week, liaising with the Treasurer to avoid double up, maximise item availability to customers and minimise waste, including:
Sour strapsMixed lolliesDried fruitJelly cupsYoghurt cupsonions
sausagesbaconeggsrollsbreadcoffee beans
milksaucesSoft drinkswatericeGarbage bags
Cleaning productsPaper towelsserviettesAdhoc items  

* online orders can be done via professor’s lollie shop, Costco or locally.

  • Set up the canteen for each meet, with the help of rostered volunteers
  • Pack up the canteen after each meet, with the help of rostered volunteers
  • Induct any volunteers.
  • Ensure that the canteen is clean and food preparation and hygiene is maintained
  • Customer service, with the help of rostered volunteers
  • Empty bin, sweep/mop floor, wash tea towels and aprons.
  • Operate and clean a coffee machine.
  1. Officer of Officials
  • Roster parent helpers for inter-club carnivals (roles needing to be filled will be advised by Little Athletics ACT Officer of Officials the week prior to the carnival).  Belconnen is often rostered as an assistant starter and has also previously been rostered to help with throws.  Parents with children attending the carnival should be rostered for at least 1.5 hours each.  The parent roster should be informed by the number of events each child is competing in and the time that athletes are present (ideally, try to roster parents at the time that their child is competing to ensure that they are present).
  • Manage the Belconnen team at inter-club carnivals.  This involves being present at the carnivals and providing a point of contact for all Belconnen athletes and parents (or if not present, assigning another parent as the manager).  The team manager is also the first point of contact should a Belconnen athlete register a protest.

On Track Coordinator (non-Committee role)

  • For the first 4-6 meets of the season (October to November) the Under 6 athletes participate in an On Track program that introduces them to the correct techniques for the events they will be participating in. It’s a fun learning experience and parents are strongly encouraged to join their children; teaching and learning. From December to March the Under 6s participate in the regular meet program.
  • The On Track Coordinator leads the program. They demonstrate the basic skills and assist the children. They encourage parents to participate and also educate them in the basic techniques and event rules of athletics. Following the On Track program the coordinator should assist the U6 age groups for their first few weeks to ensure they are conducting the events correctly.